Have any stories of old bikers, shops, local pictures of motorcycle history, or family bike shots? Send them by email and we will add them to this gallery.
These first shots are pictures of the webmasters family and the Indian that was mine to inherit except Dear old dad decided to pay the kid who mowed our lawn with MY INDIAN. Great for him but blew me away when I found out. I used to sit on it for hours in the shed, looking out the window and pretending that I was going down some highway. I wonder where my bad attitude came from...
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I should have bought that three wheeler for $1500 when I had the chance...
Take a close look at this pile of motorcycle parts, is that a pan right hand case? A Vespa and what is that strange full bodied bike just in front of the vespa? Frames and rims everywhere and a waste high pile of transmission parts and a carburator pile nearly as high...
Have an upcomming event you want to list, send us an Email with the info and your name as a contact.